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Year Group Pages

Welcome to our Year Group Pages

These pages are designed to give you and your child information about the curriculum, updates on home learning and links to any useful websites.

Birthday Books

At Langshott, we have a ‘birthday book’ tradition. On the occasion of a child’s birthday, parents/carers can donate a book to the school which will go in the class book corner, with a bookplate label inside to say who kindly donated it.

If you would like to donate a birthday book, you can of course purchase a book from any bookseller but you might like to use our Amazon wish lists.



Year 1 & 2


Year 3 & 4


Year 5 & 6

Any books ordered will be delivered to Langshott School. Please add a note as you place the order saying who it is from, to ensure a birthday bookplate label goes inside the book.

Of course, it doesn't have to be your child’s birthday for you to donate books to us! Following the creation of our beautiful library, we are now working on improving the selection of books in our class book corners. If you would like to donate to a particular class or year group please put a note with your order so we can make sure it goes to the correct book corner.