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COVID-19 Catch-up Premium

Catch-up premium money will be used to restore the culture, values, and high expectations of Langshott Primary School by rebuilding relationships, responding to the range of needs and reconnecting with our school community. We aim to address teaching and learning needs through quality first teaching and academic interventions. We also believe our learners need a holistic approach to recovery and we aim to use a range of wider approaches to meet social, emotional and well-being needs.

  • To raise the attainment of all pupils due to school closures by delivering quality first provision.
  • To reduce the attainment gap between vulnerable pupils and their peers.
  • To provide outdoor learning opportunities to address the lost opportunities as a result of COVID-19 school closures.
  • To support the mental health and well-being of all pupils.

In order to address the recovery from the impact of COVID-19 on our pupils it is important that we reflect on our aims, values, expectations, culture and relationships before the pandemic. It is vital that we reflect on what the children have lost and plan to address these losses. Although the majority of children at Langshott Primary School will have engaged with online learning, there is no substitute for learning amongst peers with great teachers. Therefore, we must address the loss of consistently good teaching; the opportunities to learn collaboratively; the loss of community; the loss of freedom and outdoor space. We believe that through assessing the needs of the children and the impact that the pandemic has had on our pupils, we are able to address gaps through teaching and learning; through academic intervention and through wider approaches via the introduction of a Forest School.